Legacy system definition

What is a legacy system? A lot of people mistakenly assume that “legacy” spells “outdated”, and therefore, believe a legacy system upgrade is a problem only large established enterprises face. In reality, it’s not true.
A complex modern system which fails to meet the needs of a particular organization also falls under this category. Legacy software, for example, may be extremely complex in maintenance, and it may also be impossible to integrate with emerging technologies that a business needs to introduce to propel its development forward.
“Why modernize legacy systems?” is a frequently asked question. First of all, to improve agility, ensure faster time-to-market, remain competitive, and ultimately, stay in business. On top of that, legacy system modernization and an upgrade accounts for:
  • Better performance and reliability

  • Higher security standards

  • Better scalability due to full or partial migration to cloud

  • Reduced maintenance costs, etc.
