Global IT Services and Solutions Leader

Back-End Development Services

If frontend is the body of your application, then backend is its brain. Backend is the nerve centre of an application that controls what happens on the server (on-premise or in the cloud). It’s the binding force that constantly sends and receives inputs through the frontend and processes data on the web page while ensuring that everything is well-harmonized.


Database Design

Database is a key component in any Web Application and is part of the backend ecosystem. Celestial provides Database Design Services on both SQL and NoSQL Databases such as MSSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL and MongoDB.

Third Party Integration

There is hardly a single web development project today that doesn’t involve some kind of third party API integration, be it for adding the latest must-have consumer features, ensuring appropriate site analytics and marketing metrics, or integrating the business process applications into the web application. Celestial can partner with highly specialized solutions that offer every kind of specialty tool, plug-in feature and business operations application imaginable and still new features are being released regularly.

API Development

Web/Mobile applications are no longer monolithic standalone applications. They are much more modular with independent services that have to work in tandem to ensure proper functionality as per the requirement. This interaction between different internal and external modules is possible by means of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).